Tea is a magical drink and you need more of it in your life…

All "real" teas (green, white, oolong, black, etc) come from the same plant, camelia sinsensis. All
teas made from this plant are rich in antioxidants, especially flavonoids (a type of polyphenol
which is a type of antioxidant) which some studies have shown could be heart protective! So
drink up for your heart!

Teas all contain caffeine (we all know how that works, it is a neurostimulant so it wakes us up)
but the L-theanine in tea releases a NT called GABA that puts you in a relaxed but alert state.
Coffee doesn't contain any L-theanine and it also contains more caffeine in general than most
teas. So basically the L-theanine in tea balances the jittery, restless effects some of us get with
caffeine and results in a smoother energy boost with less of the negative caffeine effects.

Plus certain teas have even more health beneftis that can include helping to detoxify, manage
sugar levels, cleanse your liver. We'll discuss more of the amazing health benefits of teas in later
posts but remember that if you need a little smooth energy but want to avoid the jitters, go for